The Jewish Xmas Tree
Just thought I would share a funny story.
I realized how ridiculous it sounded as I was sharing my recent Christmas tree experience with a friend.
So, if you don't know, I come from Jewish decent (emphasis on the "ish") and my husband grew up Catholic. So we celebrate both holidays. I gotta say, I have always loved the spirit around Christmas, and the traditions that go along with it with the presents under the tree, and opening them on Christmas day. So naturally, I was looking forward to that this year, until we got
The crooked tree
A couple of weeks ago, we got our tree, and the tree stand was put on completely crooked, and I was really disappointed 🤔I mean how were we going to deal with a crooked Christmas tree? My husband was not bothered by it at all, but I , the jewish one, was not happy, and why should I care so much about it? I was definitely thinking that with everything happening this year, we cannot have a crooked Christmas tree. Why? I mean, it's not like we are planning to have people over to see it, but...I guess I just wanted all of us to be able to hang on to something comforting, and you can't really do that unless the tree is straight, right?
Joe reassured me that he always has to fix the tree to make it straight, so naturally I just stayed silent and let him try and fix it.
I went out to get the mail, and when I came back,
The tree was straight!
My friend pointed out that it was kind of funny that the jew was upset about a Christmas tree, and maybe I should just relax a little, huh? But, I came to realize that in these times, we all are feeling off kilter, a little uneasy, a little off balance, which is what the crooked Christmas felt like it was reinforcing.
Needless to say, now that it is straight, of course everything is fine. To me, this story symbolizes the fact that we are all going to work ourselves back to straight again. I think we are all a bit on alert these days, and we just want to make the most out of what we have, so with that being said, may your trees be straight, your days be as jolly as can be, and may you all have a happy holiday season with lots of love, and virtual love.