Something for You: All About Snacks
Hope you all had a great week! We are enjoying the sunshine here in Southern California (sorry to rub it in to all those living in colder climates), and most days, I make it a point to get outside and take a walk, look up, breathe in some fresh air, get in some natural Vitamin D, and appreciate nature where I am as much as possible. It’s amazing how much more clear headed I am for business as well as my family by doing something so simple.
Speaking of simple things, I thought I would share with you some of my favorite go to snacks for a busy mother, and for anyone who can relate to the necessity of keeping things as easy as possible while also getting a better handle on your cravings.
Almond crackers by Simple Mills: Our pantry is stocked with these! The great thing is you don’t need a lot to feel satisfied, and they come in snack packs as well.
Tortilla Chips, Grain free by Siete Foods: Next time you are asked to bring some chips and salsa to a dinner party, try bringing these! They are very tasty, satisfy the chip craving, and they have a variety of flavors!
Sweet potato chips by Terra: They recently came out with these made with avocado oil. Look for brands they use avocado oil or coconut oil, and if you have difficulty finding them, they are fairly easy to make at home.
Macadamia nuts : these are a staple! They are among the best nuts that provide you with the perfect Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio. I like them lightly roasted and lightly salted
Almonds: well these are obvious. You should have these in your pantry but also in bags that you use on a daily basis, because when you are in a bind, and you want to stay healthy, and you need something to hold you over until you can get to a health meal, then almonds will do it!
Cashews: great flavor and lots of good fat
Pistachios: the ones in the shells are crunchier, but you can get also get them de shelled.
TIP: I like to make my own trail mix of almonds/ cashews/ and macadamia nuts, and I put these mixes in the bags that I use most often, so that way, I always have something on hand, especially when I am traveling, or just have a busy hectic day with not much time to worry about meals.
Some clients ask me if they need to count the number of nuts they eat in a serving, and my response is:
That is totally absurd!
I mean, how about you take a small handful, and wait a few minutes to see if you are still hungry. Chances are that handful will be enough, or if you reach in and grab another small handful, that’s ok because it means you are still a bit hungry, but you should feel comfort in the fact that you are getting some good nutrients to top it off.
So I say enjoy the snack, and you will probably be surprised at how satisfied you might be with a little amount. Now don’t go to the other end of the spectrum either by just having handful after handful after handful. It’s ok to exercise a bit of self control so that you are staying connected to your hunger signals, but I don’t recommend sitting there and counting the number of each nut you’re about to eat, because that’s totally burdensome and simply… NUTS! Just keep it simple and take a little bit at a time, and I promise you, you will still be on the right track to meeting your desired weight goals.
I alternate between a few different types of jerky, just to add variety because I tend to get sick of too much of any given thing, so switching it up is key for me. Brands that I love:
Epic : Has great variety not only with the types of meat, but also some fish jerky like salmon.
Vermont: love the flavors
Paleo Valley: awesome brand! highly recommend
I LOVE chocolate, and I have a bit several times a week. Due to that, I try to keep it in line by eating chocolate that has between 75-85% cacao and natural ingredients, and not too much in the house at any given time.
My favorite brand at the moment:
Hu Chocolate: You don’t need a lot to feel satiated, and I have 1-2 squares
Justin’s Dark Chocolate Peanut butter cups: I love these because they are individually wrapped, so one is enough (ok, yes, sometimes I have more than 1) but the point is, one is typically satisfying, and often when I have 2, I don’t feel that great and question why I didn’t stop at one. Just letting you know that it happens to me as well.
C’EST TOUT! hope you enjoy this list!
For more tips and suggestions, you can contact me HERE.
For more nutritional guidance that can get you going in the right direction without the negative feelings and associations that are typically related to “diets” and to rid your self of guilt when you are “bad”, then LET’S CHAT! I have several tricks up my sleeve that can help you.